Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Dear St. Raphael.

Heal me, guide me through, and protect me from negative thought patterns:
-chronic worrying
-lust for debt
-need for entangled/complex/pain-mongering relationships

and shield me, with your Holy Energy.
Protect those I leave behind.
And Empower me with Emerald Green in my Solar Plexus.
Balance & Seal.


Hushusa Musk Bin ill-Khitam.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thicker Than Ice.


Ramadan was good. Amazing. Ashtonishing. Fun-filled. Reflective worth.
And heavy on the soul. Yet light on the heart. And easy on the mind.

Mashallah, subhanallah.
Ana Mu2min, wa antum kaaafiron!!!
Ha Ha!!! Sorry, nothing I can do about it.

Your loss, son!
Never too late for you though.
Maybe next year, eh!!!

3iiiiiiiiiiiiiish, peace&love.
From my internal to your genital
(i mean external)....

Salamy musk khitamy.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Night of Qader. Jamal Style~`1


today was literally, the best [... ...] day of my life.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mother-matical Induction.

Summer was great!

it was all manifested, in good timing, man!

Saudi Arabia anyone!! For life.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Quest_4-abundance =>. Solve the EqUation.

The eternal question, solved!!

Figure this arguement out, and try to investigate for any logical fallacies:

...[ ] %.
1. a) "This" was all a memory.
b) Memory is a figment of 'my' imagination.
c) This is only real, now!
Got it?!
