Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I worship... sound. Believe it or not. (but through "it", I met a newfound understanding, thus Admiration 4 God {The 1. Almighty}) I hate noise... so now I learned how to attenuate 'it'. I love rhythm and bass... but not all that's out there is MuSiC. hmmm... My peers are: Kudabox a.k.a Toque, and Truseye from Harmless Danger <-- he is my mentor & inspiration... Love~them.both. Now, I 'owe' my knowledge and synthesis to YorkU (where I met two of my most ~mUsIc-al friends). And I appreciate Centennial College, for giving me --> a 'healthy' OuT-let ~-`@...`1. Thank you, Sean Savage 4 the RECA program. That is Recording Arts. Thru 'it' I learned (& continuously Le@rn) to Record. Mix. Master. and hopefully... eventually... Produce. @ my own :/home Studio. Look out 4 HuSaLler beats. TWeX Enterntainment. & URG Movements. iA. bHs. -Esq1`. 3/4's To the max, with a Buck 50 for your Bank, son!!! Is this the re-birth of: McHuSaLler ?! Maybe, baby! 'Til then, stay tuned children @ 2147 kHz frequency SS... Come find 'me'. I'll see you, when I see you... but chances are... You Won't See me, brotherman! BleSS~Up. Pray~Down. LoVe~Internally. Breathe~Externally. ~1`. [If you build it, they will come] -Field of Dreams. ------------------------------------------------------. HuS@m..1` *(c). March 30th, 2011. -(~%~)-. Amen. Hu.

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