Wednesday, May 4, 2011

False Web of Power.

HusHusa Al-Kabeer:

You can't psyche someone who has:
A best friend as a psyche nurse; a friend who is mental health professional; an acquaintance as a spiritual clearer; a mentor as a life coarch; an uncle who is a psychiatrist; and citicially analyst individuals as loved ones...


Oh, and a God-mother who is a registered practical shamanic psychotherapy professional...

]= 22 minutes ago · LikeUnlike.=.


Masturbate on that next time u think ill of me... u lil snitch-ass bitch...

And don't ever surround urself with my friends thinking their ur friends... u dirty ass whore...

HusHusa Al-Kabeer There!
21 minutes ago · LikeUnlike


This is the 'false' "power" of social media networking, Children!!!
Learn from my mistakes.

Don't be lured 'in' by a pretty girl
Who is: -Needy.
-Has one-sided conversations.
-Expects the love, never to give back.

PaRaNoiA & FeAr~ is all. <~((*))~> clearly see. in all HER messages.

Take care`1.

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